Sunday, 19 February 2017

The Medieval Bishops of Clonfert

The following is taken from Fr. Thomas Walsh's History of the Irish Hierarchy at p. 309-10:

Thomas O'Kelley, a secular priest, was bishop of Clonfert in October, 1347, and died in 1377.

Maurice O'Kelley also a secular priest, was consecrated in 1378 and was translated to the see of Tuam by Pope Boniface IX in 1394.

David Corre, a Franciscan, was provided by the Pope on the 20th of March, 1398.

William O'Cormacain, archbishop of Tuam, having neglected to expedite his bull of translation, it is said through grief, Thomas O'Kelley, a Dominican remarkable for his piety and liberality was bishop of Clonfert in 1415, was translated to Tuam in 1438. He erected the parish church of Cloonkeen into a convent of Franciscans of the third order at the instance of David and John Imulkerill, professors of the order. He died in 1441.

John O'Heyne, a minorite and provincial of the order in Ireland, succeeded by provision of Pope Eugene IV on the 19th of July, 1438, he sat about four years.

Thomas de Burgo, bishop of Clonfert, sat in 1444 and with the consent of his chapter granted the chapel of the Blessed Virgin at Kilcorbain to the friars of St Dominick at the request of John Fitzrery. Pope Eugene IV confirmed the grant on the 12th of March, 1444. This prelate died in 1446 and was buried at Athenry.

Cornelius O'Mulledy or Mullaly, a Franciscan friar, was promoted to the see by Pope Nicholas V on the 22d of May, 1447, and immediately after was translated to the see of Emly.

It seems that John With was bishop of Clonfert as the bull of Pope Nicholas V expressly calls him so when Cornelius was promoted but he resigned voluntarily through his proctor, Cornelius O'Mulledy.

Cornelius O'Cunlis, a Franciscan friar and bishop of Emly, was by the Pope translated to this see in September, 1448. He lived afterwards in Rome A.D. 1469.

Mathew MacCraih was bishop of Clonfert in 1482. He died at the Franciscan convent, Kilbought, in the county of Galway and was buried in Kilcomaing A.D. 1507. He was a man in high esteem for his many virtues.

David de Burgo, a secular priest provided by Pope Julius II, died in 1508, the year after his promotion.

Denis O Moore, called by Ware and Harris a Franciscan, was of the Dominican family and was provided by Pope Julius II in 1509, as appears from the pontifical bull he was a bachelor of divinit.y Ware and Harris affirm that he was living in July, 1518, but it is probable that he lived until the year 1534.

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